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Melisa (Gast)
23.05.2022 11:16 (UTC)[zitieren]
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Emmanuel (Gast)
27.06.2022 20:34 (UTC)[zitieren]
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Roseanne (Gast)
05.07.2022 23:52 (UTC)[zitieren]
Huge swathes of animal sacrifices marking the Islamic festival Eid al-Adha turned the streets of Bangladesh's capital into rivers of blood.<br>Authorities in Dhaka had designated areas in the city where residents could slaughter animals, but heavy downpours Tuesday rendered them out of action. <br>Instead, Muslims took to car parks, garages and alleyways to traditionally mark Eid al-Adha - or the Feast of Sacrifice - by slaughtering livestock and when the blood flowed into the streets, it turned them red. <br>Scroll down for video <br> Huge swathes of animal sacrifices marking the Islamic festival Eid al-Adha turned the streets of Bangladesh's capital into rivers of blood<br> People wade past a road turned red after blood from sacrificial animals on Eid al-Adha mixed with water from heavy rainfall in Dhaka, Bangladesh<br> Authorities in Dhaka had designated areas in the city where residents could slaughter animals, but heavy downpours Tuesday rendered them out of action<br> Instead, Muslims took to car parks, garages and alleyways to traditionally mark Eid al-Adha - or the Feast of Sacrifice - by slaughtering livestock and when the blood flowed into the streets, it turned them red<br><br> Muslims took to car parks, garages and alleyways to traditionally mark Eid al-Adha - or the Feast of Sacrifice - by slaughtering livestock and when the blood flowed into the streets, it turned them red<br> Flooding is common in Dhaka, an overcrowded city of more than 10 million people, because of poor drainage systems.<br> Usually a goat, sheep or a cow is killed to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim's test of faith at the festival.<br>The meat of the sacrificed animals is shared among family and friends and poor people who cannot afford to sacrifice animals as a gesture of generosity to promote social harmony. <br>Flooding is common in Dhaka, an overcrowded city of more than 10 million people, because of poor drainage systems.<br>

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Stormy (Gast)
06.07.2022 00:01 (UTC)[zitieren]
<br>By Jonathan Landay<br> <br>WASHINGTON, April 3 (Reuters) - U.S.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said images of dead Ukrainian civilians found in the town of Bucha after Russian troops left were a "punch in the gut" and those responsible for any war crimes must be held accountable.<br> <br>Blinken's comments in a CNN interview on Sunday came a day after Ukrainian forces moved into the town near Kyiv and found what officials and witnesses said were the bodies of nearly 300 civilians killed by Russian troops.<br> <br>"We can't help but see these images as a punch in the gut," Blinken said, before noting that President Joe Biden's administration has said it believes Russian forces have committed war crimes and that it is helping collect evidence.<br> <br>"There needs to be accountability," he said.

"But I think the most important thing is we can't become numb to this. We can't normalize this. This is the reality of what's going on every single day as long as Russia's brutality against Ukraine continues."<br> <br>Blinken side-stepped a question of whether the United States believes Russian troops have committed genocide.<br> <br>"We will look hard and document everything we see, put it together to make sure that the relevant institutions and organizations are looking at this, including the State Department," he said.<br> <br>Those institutions include Ukrainian legal authorities and the International Criminal Court, which is investigating alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine.<br> <br>Blinken said it was "too early to say" whether Russian troops that have withdrawn from around Kyiv are "regrouping and restocking and replenishing and then coming back" or redeploying toward the east and south, as Russian officials have suggested.<br> <br>He declined to confirm reports that the United States is facilitating the transfers of Soviet-era tanks to Ukrainian forces from Eastern European allies.

But he said members of the NATO alliance continue to provide arms "across the board."<br> <br>"There are or will soon be in Ukraine more than 10 anti-tank systems for every Russian tank," he said.<br> <br>Blinken will attend an April 5-7 NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels at which alliance support for Ukraine will be discussed, said State Department spokesperson Ned Price.<br> <br>The allies also will consider "joint efforts to hold President (Vladimir) Putin accountable and promote a swift end to his senseless and destructive war of choice against Ukraine," Price said.<br> <br>Blinken will attend a G7 foreign ministers meeting for additional discussions, he said.

(Reporting by Jonathan Landay; Editing by Scott Malone, Lisa Shumaker and Daniel Wallis)<br>

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Wallace (Gast)
11.07.2022 22:34 (UTC)[zitieren]
Така че, ако искате да се придържате към определени часове за упражнения всяка седмица, "опитайте се да направите това време по-мотивирано да го правите", казва д-р Стивънс.
Опитайте се да отидете във фитнеса рано сутрин или в определено време от седмицата (като вторник, например, или запазете плана си за упражнения в главата си.

"Просто да кажете: "Ще отида да се упражнявам", не е истински мотиватор", казва д-р Стивънс. "Вписването му в календара е мотиватор и е нещо, на което можем да разчитаме, така че вероятността да го пропуснем е по-малка."

Добавете 1500 допълнителни крачки към деня си. Можете да направите това по различни начини - по време на ежедневното пътуване до работа с метрото, като се разходите наблизо по време на обяд или като добавите допълнителна обиколка в парка, когато отивате да вземете децата си от училище.

Може да отнеме известно време, докато свикнете да изминавате допълнителни 1500 крачки, но с течение на времето можете да намалите шансовете си за затлъстяване с 14%.

"Имам персонал от петима души и сутрин е голяма бригада, но почти никога не ни стига вода за чайника", казва Патрис, която вече може да ходи навсякъде в къщата сутрин, за да избегне опашките за чайника.

Друга причина да пиете преди да разхождате кучето, казва Патрис, е, че когато сте твърде жадни, за да се разхождате, сте твърде гладни, за да се въздържите да ядете нещо.
"Единственият път, когато огладнеете, е да искате нещо сладко или солено", добавя тя.

Ежедневното ходене пеша може да помогне и за поддържане на стабилни нива на кръвната захар, което е плюс, ако имате склонност да огладнявате допълнително, когато кръвната ви захар спадне.

Колко време трябва да ходите всеки ден

Ходенето е доста полезно за вас. То е лесен начин да направите дневния си брой крачки, а освен това е добра алтернатива на бягането или джогинга.
Стига да вървите с разумно темпо - около 3,5 до 5 мили в час - това е чудесно.

Но ходенето по една-две мили всеки ден не е достатъчно, за да предотвратите затлъстяването, дори ако не искате да отслабнете. Ходенето с бързо темпо може и да носи ползи, но то също така изразходва много енергия, а само при тази интензивност вашите

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