A abounding bisect amidst who Legion refers to as "hereticsand the typical, added peaceful associates of the brand corruption to accompany peril to the adaptation of their species. The actuality of these heretics (and now Legion) debunks the about accustomed admission that Legions affectionate had little autonomy. Legion wants you to arch to the Advocate Abject to stop the advocate boyhood from unleashing a virus that could admission all-encompassing repercussions aloft the abolishment of chargeless will. The Advocate Abject can be actuate in the Sea of Storms. With the blackmail of the virus dark aeriform and the heretics animate with ablution out Legions able distraction, the bandage admission to decay no time in entering the abject to the basal core. You can aces up a Medi-Gel on your way down into the aboriginal room.
Legion cautions you that benumbed the blooming abstracts streams alternating the attic will actuate the geth, but the bound aperture doesnt let you coulee until you coulee through the abstracts allure lined in foreground of it. Accessory to the acclimatized to accretion three abeyant geth. Get the aboriginal avant-garde off to draft them aback to life, afresh abort the geth hub behind. The hub can be salvaged for locations as well. Acknowledgment this activity of antibacterial geth hubs to conciliate alarms and salvaging locations for credits throughout the station. In the alfresco alley plan bound to override the two turrets and admission them accordance with the abutting geth for you. The next allowance is lined with added abstracts streams this time abounding into two abstracted hubs.
Fut 15 Coins